Frequently asked questions

Our main responsibility is to facilitate by finding the right match/potential life partner for singles, divorced and widowed between the age ranges of 19 to 60 with the serious intention to get married in the future.

These services are for those singles, divorced and widowed who have serious intention to find their soulmate for the purpose of creating a family, but at the same time who do not have the patience or time either desire or knowledge about how and where to find or to look for their potential life companion.

There are couple of reasons why some people could be rejected in provision of "OHT" International Matchmaking and Matrimonial Agency’s services, and they are as follows:

  1. Client who does not have serious intentions towards finding the right person for future family creation. (Which can include but not limited to: for the purpose of mere self-satisfaction or pleasure, with the purpose of deceiving, robbing or any other malicious and criminal acts and etc.); 
  2. Client who has serious health or mental issues. (Which can include but not limited to cancer, HIV, Syphilis, Alzheimer’s disease as well as serious mental and psychological disorders and etc.);
  3. Client who is seeking for the second, third and etc. spouse/marriage. Due to it is being against the Rules and Regulations of the organization as well as the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan and finally, we only support healthy and responsible relationships/marriages.
  4. Client who for some reason refuses to comply with the terms of the Agreement, or also does not provide us with the required true and honest information, or he/she fails to submit the list of documents  requested by the responsible officials of "OHT" International Matchmaking and Matrimonial Agency.

At this stage of our working experience we have not yet built up data base for people with special needs. However, we believe if there will be high demand for it and we keep on receiving more such requests, then we could in the future, have the possibility to create such services for people with special needs as well.

As soon as we finalize the process of collecting information and getting to know the Client better, we do our best to find the right compatible match within the possible limited timeframe, as the organizational set-up of “Oila Hayot Tayanchi” LLC is built upon no profit from the time which is spent for searching.

Thus, making the main payment due only upon finding and selecting a compatible candidate, i.e. only upon obtaining the result. Although the organization cannot bear any responsibility over finding a compatible match within the fixed timeframe, as every case is varying from individual to individual, the organizational set-up of our Matchmaking and Matrimonial Agency in its origin does not hold any benefits from playing for time. The officials of “Oila Hayot Tayanchi” LLC do not carry any interests in losing your or their precious time.

After we present to you available and compatible match/es according to your inquiry you will have to make a choice with whom you would like to proceed to the next level, i.e. whom you would like to meet as a potential future life partner. Before you make the choice you have the right to refuse to meet with the presented match(es) based on your reasoning and explanations, and we will take it into consideration in our further continuation of search.

After the meeting you might have to contact your matchmaker to discuss further how the first date went and whether both of you were happy with the result of the meeting.

In case you realize that the choice you made was not the right one, you need to be clear about what exactly did not make it work for you with the particular candidate so that the matchmaker takes your statements and comments further into consideration.

So if you did not like the person after the meeting, we will again continue the search or if available, we shall provide you with other compatible options. However, once you make your choice whom you would like to meet with, you will have to make, forthwith, the due payment.

"OHT" International Matchmaking and Matrimonial Agency is structured on the main profit and income being based on the outcome, thus providing the clients with the most risk reduced factors. We care and work for each Individual’s desired result!

If you have a sincere and serious intention to entrust us finding your potential life companion, and yet do not have the required means to pay, then you could get the chance to receive 50 % discount or even complete free of charge services, yet in particular only those individuals who are in financial need.

The main condition is that those claiming individuals, in addition, will have to provide "Oila Hayot Tayanchi" LLC with the proof that they are truly in need of financial support (documents which can include but not limited to: document verifying that the person is an orphan, or does not have any guardian, relatives, siblings and etc. who financially support; or does not possess a job, has no or very low income, or has to financially support and provide other family members while being on a low income; is taking care of a disabled or ill man (like family member) who is staying in bed for a long period and etc.). By the same token the person will need to fullfil all the required terms and conditions as requested and stipulated in the Agreement with "OHT" International Matchmaking and Matrimonial Agency as well.

Fist of all you get to choose your match before you make the payment, and evidently, you bear responsibility for your own made choice.

Moreover, in this particular commitment we deal with human factors, so rather with subjective and not always objective issues which can be predictable as well as unpredictable, consistent or inconsistent, and emotional or at times even insensitive, certainly it would be unreasonable to hold responsibility or even more to expect guarantee from us when it comes to the emotional aspirations of others.

Our guarantee consists only in finding the right match for you according to the statements and information provided by you.

Once both sides confirm that they would like to keep up the relation with the selected candidate, in case it is requested, this couple as well as their families will be given the required time to get to know each other better, and within that period we withhold the further search for this couple.

As soon as the couple confirm and come to a conviction that the current candidate is that awaited special match, our job will be finalized upon the settlement of the Final fee.

"Oila Hayot Tayanchi" LLC is a legal entity governed by the law of Uzbekistan Republic. We possess an understanding and obligation to comply with regarded regulations as well as legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In this subtle field we highlight the importance of moving the clients’ interests forward. So "Oila Hayot Tayanchi" International Matchmaking and Matrimonial LLC is designed to gain profit if and only when a Client gains a benefit, thus making your priority our priority.

However, above all what we would state, the real trust comes only with time and experience. So if you truly want to find out whether we are trustworthy you might need to try to have an experience with us.